Welcome to our Training Site
This is the educational branch of Barbara Turner’s work, dedicated to the dissemination of training in Jungian Sandplay Therapy to mental health clinicians. We offer online courses and in-person trainings. Please take a look and get back to us with any questions.
2024- 2025 Training Program – 2-3 monthly online webinars September 2024- June 2025
All distance learning – No travel required
Consultation group openings – This is a wonderful way to learn from your own Sandplay work and from your colleagues. The group format provides the support we need to carry on the work.
Contact Dr. Turner
Introduction to Sandplay Therapy
Free Webinar
Watch this introductory video at your leisure to learn about Jungian Sandplay and what Training is required, and to be Registered as a Sandplay Therapist with the Association for Sandplay Therapy.
1 hour 45 minutes
Click to View
The Routledge International Handbook of Sandplay Therapy
Editor Barbara A. Turner
Now available on Kindle for $59!
2022 Going into Russian!
About the Book
The Routledge International Handbook of Sandplay Therapy provides a comprehensive overview of this therapeutic method, developed to provide a means of helping clients of all ages with mental suffering. The contributors, from a range of therapeutic and cultural backgrounds, demonstrate core theory and practice, and explore the implications of current neuroscientific research. The chapters illustrate the effectiveness of this seemingly simple psychotherapeutic tool in its contemporary applications. Split into six parts, this handbook considers:
- Sandplay therapy in medicine
- Sandplay with special populations
- Sandplay in analysis and general practice
- Adaptions of the Sandplay method in education
- Sandplay and the spirit
- Non-Jungian uses of the sand tray in therapeutic applications
Unique in scope and breadth, this handbook will appeal to academics and students of Jungian psychotherapy, as well as occupational therapists, art and play therapists, and all clinicians using Sandplay therapy as part of their professional practice.
About Dr. Turner
Barbara Turner began her study of Jungian Sandplay therapy with the founder of the method, Dora M. Kalff, in Switzerland in 1988. She has done extensive research into the theory and healing process of Sandplay. She focused her doctoral studies on the Sandplay method, writing her dissertation on methods of understanding Sandplay process. Dr. Turner was instrumental in returning the classic books in Sandplay to print, and is the author of what is considered by some to be the authoritative text on Jungian Sandplay, The Handbook of Sandplay Therapy, now translated into Korean, Chinese, Russian, Italian and Romanian. The Handbook is the most read book on Sandplay around the world. She teaches Sandplay therapy to mental health clinicians internationally, and serves as consultant to practicing Sandplay & play therapists.
Dr. Turner has co-authored with Dr. Kristín Unnsteinsdóttir, Sandplay and Storytelling: The Impact of Imaginative Thinking on Children’s Learning and Development, as well as Sandtray Play in Education. She is also the chief editor of The Routledge International Handbook of Sandplay Therapy.
Dr. Turner is the founder of the Association for Sandplay Therapy – AST, the international professional organization dedicated to maintaining the core principles of Sandplay in our work and teaching – clarity, loving kindness & humility.
Continuing Education & Training Hours
Barbara A. Turner, PhD is approved to offer continuing education hours and/or training hours by the Association for Play Therapy – APT Approved Provider No. 00-079 and maintains responsibility for the program; by the Association for Sandplay Therapy as a Registered Sandplay Therapist – Consultant Teacher.
Please note that the Association for Play Therapy maintains the authority to Approve of APT Approved Provider courses & trainings.
Remember . . . Always check with your licensing and accrediting boards, as their requirements may change