Video Course 10
The Sandplay Case of Harold
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In this case, Dr. Turner reviews the case of a 60 year-old man, who was narcissistically wounded, and how the unconscious directed a profound grieving and healing process, in spite of the client’s conscious refusal to participate.
Learning Objectives
- Describe how the client’s issues are symbolically articulated in Tray 1 in the play therapy modality of Sandplay
- Identify the nature of the issues this client would be working on in the play therapy modality of Sandplay
- Distinguish the client’s psychic strengths, if any in Tray 1 in the play therapy modality of Sandplay
- Identify the process of confronting the client’s psychic obstacles in the symbolic process in the play therapy modality of Sandplay
- Recognize major turning points in the client’s work
- Explain how the client’s issues were resolved though the symbols in the trays in the play therapy modality of Sandplay
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Film 40 min
Quiz 80 Questions
Training Hours 7
Course Fee $79
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