Date(s) - 05/07/2022
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Barbara A. Turner, PhD, STR-CT, RPT-S
2.5 hour free lecture with Questions & Answers
May 7th, 2022 – Saturday
10 am to 12:30 pm Central – check your local time here
This will be a 2.5-hour lecture to introduce Jungian Sandplay Therapy. We will allow ample time for questions.
Barbara Turner began her study of Jungian Sandplay therapy with the founder of the method, Dora M. Kalff, in Switzerland in 1988. She has done extensive research into the theory and healing process of Sandplay. She focused her doctoral studies on the Sandplay method, writing her dissertation on methods of understanding Sandplay process. Dr. Turner was instrumental in returning the classic books in Sandplay to print and is the author of what is considered by some to be the authoritative text on Jungian Sandplay, The Handbook of Sandplay Therapy, now translated into Korean, Chinese, Russian and Italian. The Handbook is the most read book on Sandplay around the world. She teaches Sandplay therapy to mental health clinicians internationally and serves as consultant to practicing Sandplay & play therapists.
Dr. Turner has co-authored with Dr. Kristín Unnsteinsdóttir, Sandplay and Storytelling: The Impact of Imaginative Thinking on Children’s Learning and Development, as well as Sandtray Play in Education. She is also the chief editor of The Routledge International Handbook of Sandplay Therapy.
Dr. Turner is the founder of the Association for Sandplay Therapy – AST, the international professional organization dedicated to maintaining the core principles of Sandplay in our work and teaching – clarity, loving kindness & humility.
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